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Less than 1 percent of the water on Earth is safe for human consumption. And the fact is that the plumbing system in the average home uses far more water than it needs to. According to the EPA, the average American family uses more than 300 gallons of water per day. By optimizing the plumbing system in your home you will use less water and save money on utility bills. The following are a few simple solutions and efficient products to help you reduce water waste and save money.

Upgrade Your Faucets

New plumbing fixtures often come with many practical advantages. Replacing old, inefficient faucets and aerators with WaterSense labeled models can save the average family 700 gallons of water per year. Other than ensuring the seamless flow of water, new fixtures are typically designed to save water and energy. Conventional faucets dump out 2.5 gallons of water per minute. A high-efficiency faucet puts out closer to 1.5 gallons per minute. Aerators can also reduce the flow without sacrificing pressure. If you use one of these plumbing fixtures to save water, put it on the kitchen sink, which tends to be the one used the most.

Signs to upgrade water fixtures:

•       Your faucets won’t stop dripping.

•       Dingy or rusty nozzles

•       Loose plumbing fixtures


Low-Flow Showerheads

Showers account for 17% of an average home’s water usage. By replacing a standard showerhead with a low-flow model, a typical family can save approximately 15,000 gallons of water per year. If you’ve tried a low-flow showerhead in the past, you might have been disappointed. Today you can find high-efficiency, ultra-low-flow showerheads capable of exerting high-pressure water streams. All products bearing the WaterSense label have been tested to meet the criteria for water coverage and spray intensity.

Tankless Water Heaters

Traditional water heaters work by holding a set amount of water at a specified temperature. Keeping the water at this temperature requires energy, whether you are using the hot water or not. If you are not using it, then that is energy and money wasted. A tankless water heater only uses energy to heat the water when it is needed. This adds up to energy savings of 25 to 30%. The only downside to tankless water heaters is that they do have higher upfront costs, but it evens out when you consider the unit’s longevity and the instant energy savings.

Gray Water Recycling

Gray water is any domestic wastewater made up of wash water from kitchen sinks, bathtubs, and washing machines. Instead of sending gray water into the sewer, it can be reused by homeowners for lawn irrigation and landscaping. Reusing gray water for use in irrigation systems can make a real financial impact on homeowners.

Commit to Regular Maintenance 

Many plumbing emergencies and unexpected cases can be easily prevented with regular maintenance. With regular maintenance, you can resolve any inefficiencies in your plumbing system. Though you may feel like regular maintenance is a waste of money, professional maintenance pays for itself in the long run. It can save you from expensive emergency repairs and replacement costs. 

If you are interested in learning more about any of these energy and water efficiency products and services, feel free to contact us today. Our certified professionals will be happy to help you enjoy the benefits of installing energy and water-efficient systems in your home.